This Blessed Plot

Nature and Human Nature
The Wild Side of Town
Harvest Anthem
Laura's Song
Butterfly Galliard / Falling Star
I Was The Child
Another World In The Night
Fox On The Rails /Dance Of The Starlings
Woodlands Of England
See This Lake, Son?
My Beautiful Bomb Pit
Comin' In On A Wing And A Prayer
Tomorrow's Too Late
Why Have You Stolen Our Earth?
Human Nature
Stand Quite Still
If There's No Other Way
The Rockery Rock
This Blessed Plot
Don't Clear That Corner Away
Art Nouveau
Brambles on a Hill
Our Stolen Season
Good King Henry
You Never Know Where We Have Been
Harvest Will Come
Just Human Nature
The Albion River Hymn: prelude
The Albion River Hymn
Sweet Themmes Run Softly
Three Men in a Boat
Down The Stream The Swans All Glide.
Swan-Upping Song
The Sheep Shearing Song
The Building of Our Bridge
Twickenham Ferry
Still On The Wild Side of Town
Rumour Hill
Life on the River
Horse Music
Yellow Taxi / New Jerusalem
Lemady / Arise and Pick a Posy
Foxy Comes to Town
The Wind in The Willows
John Moore (1907-1967)
Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey
Gilbert White (1720-1793)

This blessed plot, this earth, this realm, this England
- Richard II. William Shakespeare

How To Make A Wildlife Garden. Chris Baines. 2000

Gardens can be valuable resource for all kinds of wildlife, from flowers to insects, mammals and birds. They can be a refuge containing an array of habitat types mimicking natural ones including ponds, hedges, woodlands, grasslands and wetlands, all providing shelter, food resource, nectar, nesting materials. There are certain practices can lead to a successfully creating a wildlife garden. Don't be too tidy, leave some autumn leaves on the ground through the winter. Plant a variety of native trees, shrubs and flowers. Maintain open water such as ponds, streams. Plant seasonal fruit trees, flowering and berry-bearing plants. Plant vegetables. Build artificial havens, such as bird and bat boxes, hedgehog hibernation houses. Leave dead-head flowers and twigs through the winter as a source of food for birds and shelter for insects. Maintain a compost heap or a bin or two. Avoid using non-organic pesticides and herbicides. Go for maximum plants and minimum designer 'hard' landscaping. And last but certainly not least, be adaptable to change and work with the soil and not against it as this is the 'bedrock' of your garden.

a hedgehog in my garden [click for larger image]

related internet links

details about all sorts - from
nestboxes to slugs to wildlife ponds -
to help you create a garden that’s
ideal for wildlife.
from the folks at the
Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds

North Wales Branch
this website has a really
great section on
wildlife gardening

the very first broadcast of this
 BBC radio programme took place
on the 9th April 1947 and it's been
going ever since

up to the top of our wellies
in soil and bulbs

the daughter of English rock and roller
Marty Wilde is a designer of gardens
and has a wonderful book coming
on April 4th 2005, Gardening for Children

There are many good reasons
to garden for wildlife.You will
will be helping wildlife survive
in your garden when it often
struggles to thrive in our polluted
or impoverished countryside'
and you'll also attract more
birds, butterflies and other
fascinating creatures,adding
extra interest and pleasure
to your surroundings

this BBC programme is now
in its 36th year, making it the
longest running gardening
programme on UK television.

join the Ground Force
team every Thursday
and see what their up to
in someone's garden.
BBC 1, of course

the museum exists to enhance
understanding and appreciation
of the history and development
of gardens in the UK

everyone can be a gardener.
perhaps you have a window
box or a tub, or enjoy relaxing
outside in the summer. maybe
you have an allotment or are
involved in a local community
gardening project. whether
you are an expert or simply
enjoy growing plants in a
pot there is a great deal you
can do to encourage wildlife
to visit. some dos and don'ts
from English Nature

Birds require food, cover and
nesting sites to survive.Careful
choice of plants and provision
of other features such as ponds,
will help you create a haven for
wildlife in your garden.
tips and handy hints from the
Royal Society for the
Protection of Birds

 a partnership between the
National Society of Allotment and
Leisure Gardeners (NSALG) and the
Federation of City Farms and
Community Gardens (FCFCG), funded by
the Esmée Fairbairn Foundation

a joint project between The Wildlife Trusts
and the Royal Horticultural Society.
It aims to promote gardening for
wildlife throughout all gardens
in the UK.Your garden is part of a
giant patchwork that's really
important for wildlife. Gardens
 are where creatures can find
all they need to feed, drink, shelter
and breed. However small, every
 little patch counts

One of the pleasures of
gardening is seeing birds and
other wildlife enjoying the
fruits of your labour. It's also
good to know that while you
are getting a natural floorshow
outside your window, you are
providing a haven for wildlife
that is under threat in its
natural habitat. all this and more
from the BBC

Jenny Steel is a plant ecologist
and professional wildlife gardener,
writing about natural history and
wildlife gardening, and teaching
courses all around the country.

The Romney Marsh
Countryside Project
lots of helpful facts and
information here on this site

let's go gardening !

The Wild Side of Life website
is ©2005/2006/2007/
All Rights Reserved